Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Still Melting In My Apartment

I did not accomplish much on the cooling front as Tony was not there when I went to see him.  It also seems the office phone went on the blink later in the day as neither Will nor I could get it to ring when we called.  It got up to 85 in the apartment in the afternoon and the a/c unit has not stopped running since noon again without seeming to affect the heat.  It does seem as if I am destined to melt away for the time being.  Rent is due tomorrow so Tony should be in the office for that, let's hope I can catch him in the office when I go. 

In the meantime, I have a really cool 1938 recording of Impromptu Numbers 1-4, D899 and Impromptu Numbers 1-4, D935 by Franz Schubert performed by Swiss Pianist and Conductor Edwin Fischer.  The video is followed by some Random Hotness lounging about the page.  Thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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