Thursday, August 02, 2012

My Thursday Rant

Wednesday was a pretty quiet day, although still miserably hot in the afternoon.  I am glad as Tuesday night containing the triple whammy of truck night, midnight madness (when the baby factories and crack heads get their free money) and the bosses brother on sight for about 3 hours was possibly one of the worst nights at work since I have been there.  Not an experience I want to have again anytime soon.  Today should be interesting, it is of course payday, chore and errand day, and I am going to pay the rent.  I am also going to see if Tony will do something about the A/C to alleviate the heat wave in my apartment in the afternoons.  Not that I really mind being half naked, but being half naked and still be sweating my ass off is not my idea of fun and not conducive to restful sleep.  Because I have not been resting well as well as the fact that I am out of my blood pressure medicine has made me fairly bitchy and hard to be around.  You guys can probably tell that by the amount of ranting I have been doing on the blog here lately.  I apologize for being such a bitch, but at least the music and the men have still been the saving graces of the daily posts.  Speaking of which I have another great video today.  Edvard Grieg wrote many lyric pieces for Piano and today's video is part one of the complete set with Opus Numbers 12, 38, 43 and 47 from a series of recordings done by Alexander Goldenweiser between 1952 and 1954.  The complete play list can be found in the video description.  The video is followed by this week's paean to denim with some sizzling Men In Jeans on display as you scroll down the page.  Thanks for the visit, we will see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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