Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pitching A Change Up

Sometimes I think I get to be too predictable with the items I post in these pages.  So today I thought I would throw you a curve ball on the inside corner instead of a fast ball down the middle of the plate.  Starting with the music, I have an outstanding play list for your listening pleasure today.  The play list is filled with beautiful music from a concert at the Istrian National Theater in Pula, Croatia by Croation Pop Star Oliver Dragojevic and Cellist Stjepan Hauser on December 19, 2011. Although this is outside my normal genre of Classical Music and I do not speak the language in which Dragojevic sings, I feel the emotion in the soaring melodies and evocative performances of both Dragojevic and Hauser from a simple stage set with an electronic keyboard and a cello backed by a grand piano.  I am also sure you will notice the beatific expressions on the faces of both Dragojevic and Hauser as they perform on stage.  Many elements contribute to the beauty to be found in the faces of men.  For some people, they eyes are the thing they notice first, for others it may be the nose or the playful smile.  For your daily dose of man candy for today then, I have gathered quite a few photographs of handsome young men that are all About Face as the focus of the photo.  I will let you decide which elements are most appealing to you in the line up after the play list.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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