Lighthouse At Cape Finisterre, Spain
Man, how I hate being sick enough to feel miserable without being sick enough to justify missing work. So Uncle Gerry, even though he was thoroughly miserable all weekend, did not miss a minute of work in a seven day week. I am sorry I did not do my usual Sunday post, but I was not up to pecking on the keyboard and I knew I was really sick when my collection of male pulchritude failed to elicit any kind of response other than rolling over and going back to sleep. Today (thank God!!!) I am off and will spend most of the day around the house trying to improve my health from miserable to semi-normal. I think sleep will be a big factor in this. I slept during my off hours a lot but I am just exhausted and ready for a my 40 hours of freedom before returning to work tomorrow night at midnight. I am feeling somewhat better but eating has been a real pain in the ass as my stomach has not felt like accepting anything I donate to its cause. The few things I have managed to get down have quickly exited the other end in less than stellar form. So here is hoping today is a better day health wise than the last three have been. Now that I have finished bitching about being sick I did manage to find some things that should amuse, entertain and inform you.
Today is a great day in GLBT history as California becomes the second state after Massachusetts to legalize Same Sex Marriage. The first couple to be wed in LA will be the original lesbian partner's whose lawsuit initiated the court battle which ended with the Supreme Court ruling earlier this month legalizing marriage for GLBT's. There is expected to be many form out of state to partake in the privilege granted us there as California has no residency requirements for a marriage license. In honor of this historic occasion Larkin Gayl has written a new song and produced a video I Do I Do which is the first video in the lineup today. Right after that we have an update from Machelli of ZAP fame who brings us up to date on his comings and goings. The next video in the line up is We Are One featuring anime families and music by Angelique Kidjo. Following Angelique is airricksreloaded, someone I have not featured before, with his treatise on Why Gay Pride? Just perfect for this month of Pride Celebrations world wide and then we get somewhat political with Barack Obama's message to his new church on Father's Day. I just love to listen to him speak, I think he will be very good for America. We just have to insure his victory in November and the defeat of Bush III by landslide margins so all the haters will have to run and hide as they will no longer have the White House in their pockets. The videos are of course followed by your eye candy selections for Monday. Until next time as always, Enjoy!
Larkin Gayl - I Do I Do
Machelli Update
Angelique Kidjo - We Are One
Why Gay Pride
Barack Obama On Father's Day
Today is a great day in GLBT history as California becomes the second state after Massachusetts to legalize Same Sex Marriage. The first couple to be wed in LA will be the original lesbian partner's whose lawsuit initiated the court battle which ended with the Supreme Court ruling earlier this month legalizing marriage for GLBT's. There is expected to be many form out of state to partake in the privilege granted us there as California has no residency requirements for a marriage license. In honor of this historic occasion Larkin Gayl has written a new song and produced a video I Do I Do which is the first video in the lineup today. Right after that we have an update from Machelli of ZAP fame who brings us up to date on his comings and goings. The next video in the line up is We Are One featuring anime families and music by Angelique Kidjo. Following Angelique is airricksreloaded, someone I have not featured before, with his treatise on Why Gay Pride? Just perfect for this month of Pride Celebrations world wide and then we get somewhat political with Barack Obama's message to his new church on Father's Day. I just love to listen to him speak, I think he will be very good for America. We just have to insure his victory in November and the defeat of Bush III by landslide margins so all the haters will have to run and hide as they will no longer have the White House in their pockets. The videos are of course followed by your eye candy selections for Monday. Until next time as always, Enjoy!
Larkin Gayl - I Do I Do
Machelli Update
Angelique Kidjo - We Are One
Why Gay Pride
Barack Obama On Father's Day
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