I am finding more and more to like about my FF3 browser as I play with it. I found it quite the coincidence when I posted a photo the other day of the waterfront in Curacao, Venezuela and then when I went looking for a new theme compatible with FF3 the one I like the best was named, you guessed it Curacao. It is hard for me not to like, it is varying shades of blues and browns with easily identifiable icons and a sharp look to it. I have turned off most of the XP visual effects so the XP look is more like the squared off look of 2000 pro but with modern tools. Another good I discovered is an extension called Linkwad which adds a tool bar underneath you navigation bar. This tool bar has only 3 buttons marked open, save, and close. What it allows you to do is save groups of tabs as a reopenable session. The rest of the toolbar displays the saved "wads" of tabs in additional tabs. I have one for putting together a post and one for my regular daily reads, I am sure I will put together others for specific surfs or projects as I go along. For those of you out there like me who keep multiple tabs open for various reasons, this gives you a way to organize your surfing and projects list in quickly accessible session tabs. This allows you to have multiple sessions open within the same browser window for multitasking at its finest.
I have some technical difficulties since 4 PM trying to get this post to publication. It has been a most difficult task. Between Blogger not cooperating and a seemingly catastrophic failure of my Sprint Air Card it has been 4 hours now just trying to stay connected so I can cut and past this thing together. I think we have the Sprint thing solved now. Let's hope Blogger now cooperates and lets me put your eye candy in here. I don't have any video content today so we let's just move on to the eye candy, shall we? I hope y ou enjoyed your trip to the beach while I was taking some me time yesterday. I hope you like to day's choices too. Until next time as always, Enjoy!
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