Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Monday!

Lake Moraine, Britixh Columbia, Canada

Happy Monday everyone, it is a great day today! They have hired an experienced relief man, so Uncle Gerry has the night off, woo hoo!!! I plan on going to bed early and sleeping late to try catching up on my rest. It will be good to stop for a day just to catch my breath, seems like I have been running forever and a day. Maybe I might even catch up with some of my buddies whom I have not talked with in a while. In a way it seems strange I do not have to work tonight, but I will definitely take the night off. Went shopping this morning just to splurge a little on myself, bought a few thing s for the house and few things for me. Now I am putting this together for you guys so I can go take a nap. A well deserved nap at that. So I will not bore you with idle chatter, rather just move on to what you really came to see on a Monday, the eye candy. I reached back into my archives for these photos from my Men 06 album. I hope you like. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Bodhi said...

G'day! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your blog, and have now added a link to it on my own. Keep up the great work!

Sydney, Australia