Thursday, June 05, 2008


Polynesian Sunset

Sorry to be so late in posting today, but it is pay day so I had some errands first thing this morning before I could settle in at home. Right now I am awaiting the phone call that says the deliveryman is on the way with my new computer. This means I will be down for a little while today while I switch my hard drives, DVD burner et cetera to the new chassis and come back up at three times the processor speed and a gig of ram. That should certainly add some oomph to my computing experience. I am so looking forward to the arrival of my new toy/tool, it is about a week late but it is my birthday present to myself. Happy Birthday to me all over again!!!

I have not had a chance to check the news or blogs so I don't have anything I now of to rant about. There were no new Nuke or Holly Oaks videos or anything in my subscription box so I guess I am stuck out for anything more today other than my usual tasty bits in the eye candy section coming up next. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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