Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Too Fucking Hot!

I am adjusting somewhat to my new schedule. I managed to get to bed about 8:20 and sleep until I woke up in  a sweat about 2PM.  It got up to 83 degrees inside my apartment and was still 83 at 7 PM last night.  In fact it did not cool off to 75 until about midnight.  The A/C ran continuously from noon to midnight without seeming to have any effect on the heat whatsoever.  Granted it was over 100 degrees outside, but having lived in Texas lo these many years and having lived in more than one upstairs apartment, I have never had this much problem cooling an apartment.  I don't care what the manager bitch says, something ain't working right.  I am going to talk to the owner's son today, maybe he will be able to help relieve the situation.  As it is, it to too fucking hot to do anything in my apartment except sweat from 2 PM until after dark.  I am really gonna hate to see my power bill this month, it will probably be astronomical if not catastrophic to the budget.  As it stands now, the only time it is cool enough to sleep comfortably is from about midnight to noon.  Definitely interferes with the work schedule, limits my sleep time and makes Uncle a very bitchy camper.  I hope Tony (the owner's son) can do something about this A/C unit that the manager bitch says is "working perfectly fine" (bullshit!!).

Moving on to more pleasant subjects, I have a great video today with 9 Concertos for Transverse Flute by Antonio Lucio Vivaldi performed by Academia Montis Regalis featuring Barthold Kuijken on Solo Flute.  While listening contented to Vivaldi's musical magic as interpreted by the Academia and Herr Kuijken, gently scroll down the page and check out all the Sexy Studs in Swimwear on display to remind us that there are some adorable ways to keep cool in the summer heat.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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