Tuesday, October 06, 2015

It's a Conspiarcy, Really...

... or so it seems to me!  I have no clue as to the identity of the collaborators, however people, things and events have combined in a mighty effort to keep me out of bed and off the blog.  They have been immanently successful!  Not that I have had any bad times, really.  In fact I have even worked in a sailing excursion and a trip over into Irving to visit with my best Gal Pal and her daughter who was in from Denver for the weekend.  

My part time business is growing exponentially by word of mouth  about my quality products and tyle of customer service.  his is a good thing, but it also means a lot more time devoted to it.  Again this is a good thing, I started the business to make money and indeed I am making good money at it.  

So bear with me, I will be here as often as I can and will try to continue the quality posts you have come to expect here at Nichevo.  That being said, I do have some Music and a healthy does of male art for your consumption today and some really great stuff for tomorrow's New Adventures in Good Music.  

For today, down below is Mozart's Clarinet Quintet, K 581 with a performance by Clarinetist Seiji Yokokawa; 1st Violin Pamela Frank; 2nd Violin Tatsuya Yabe; Viola by Yasushi Toyoshima and Cellist Yo-Yo Ma.  Over on my tumblr, I have Mozart's Diverimento in E Flat Major, K 563 with the trio of Gidon Kremer on Violin, Kim Kash Kashian on Viola and Yo Yo Ma on Cello, performing beautifully in a Sony recording.  

As for the Male Art, I have combined a couple of collections into a Two for Tuesday featuring your Monday's Undies meeting up with Tuesday's Random Hotness.  You will find them all lounging around the page down below.  Over on my tumblr in another Two for Tuesday featuring Edward Sugalski and a Sens-Asian by Xie.  Thanks for sticking around to see if I would show up.  See you again soon, I promise.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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