Monday, July 06, 2015

Monday with Mozart

I have been sitting here looking at this blank page for a while now and it refuses to fill itself up on its own, dammitall!  So I suppose I should pretend I have something to say when in reality I am  utterly devoid of inspiration and no witty commentary is bursting forth from the bushes to rescue me either.  I hope you guys had a fabulous weekend, I think mine went bye bye without even stopping to say hello, lol.  Anyway, even without pithy commentary or newsworthy events upon which to expound, your intrepid Uncle still has Music a& Men up his sleeve to share with you all today.  

As usual we begin the week with our regular Monday with Mozart feature which this week has a live recital recording by Dezső Ránki from 1997 with an all Mozart program.  The play list includes:

Piano sonata K.282 0:00
Fantasia K.397 12:55
Allegro K.312 17:58
Piano sonata K.283 24:20
Adagio K.540 41:11
Piano sonata K.570 53:37
Adagio K.356 1:12:45
Over on my tumblr you may join Dezső Ránki along with the English Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Jeffrey Tate for their performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto Number 17 in G Major K 453

To add visual joy to the beauty of the marvelous Mozart Music, this week's edition of Monday's Undies is posted down below with lots of lithesome lads 'lounging in their lingerie' waiting for you to cruise by.  Meanwhile, over on my tumblr the Hottie of the Day! is very definitely "Thinking of You!".  Thanks for the visit, see you again soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy! 

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