Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fatherhood Done Right!

Will is a big fan of Reddit and he linked me to a heartwarming story I missed earlier in the week when it was cross posted to the Queerty blog.  There was a link there to the original article on Buzzfeed which listed the Reddit entries and interviewed the father.  You see, the single father (Reddit user HeMeYou) asked to borrow his 13 year old son's IPad one day.While using the IPad, he discovered the search history that included topics along the line of "So I'm Gay. Now What?".  The father wanted to support his son, but did not know how to approach the subject.  He reached out to other Redditors who overwhelmingly responded with messages of advice and support.  HeMeYou said the negligable negative response was actually encouraging and were vastly out numbered by the messages of love and support.  He followed the advice of his fellow Redditors and gently guided his son to coming out to him.  After his son had come out to him and he posted that he was the "happiest Dad in the world right now!" on Reddit, congratulatory messages rolled in asking how they could show their appreciation for the way he approached the subject.  HeMeYou suggested a donation the the Trevor Project whose hotline provides much needed support and suicide prevention to LGBT Youth would be really appropriate.  I could not agree more as the Trevor Project is always there, even when there seems like no one else is.  Read the whole story for yourself, you will be blessed.

Your Thursday Musical Moment features the performances of "The Great Pianists of the DDR".  The DDR was of course more commonly referred to East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell and German Reunification resulted.  One thing about the Communist regimes of the Cold War, star athletes and musicians were treated much better than the average citizen so they could perfect their crafts.  In this recording the works performed are not listed in the description, however the performance artists are.  Included in this retrospective are performances by Amadeus Webersinke, Dieter Zechlin, Walter Olbertz, Annerose Schmidt and Peter Rösel.  It is a truly beautiful  and mesmerizing listening experience.  Staying in the vein of German Music and Muscians, you may hear two concerti, BWV 1052 & 1052R,  by Johann Sebastian Bach over on my tumblr with a performance by the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin featuring soloists Raphael Alpermann [harpsichord] and Midori Seiler [violin].

Finally it is time for another tribute to macho hotness in denim with this striking collection of gentle Men In Jeans on display below the play list.  In addition, "Superman" makes an appearance as the Hottie of the Day! over on my tumblr.  Thank you for stopping by, see you again soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy! 

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