Wednesday, September 10, 2014

SCOTUS and Marriage Equality: A Collision Course?

I know its late, but bear with me and we will get to the good stuff.  I slept late this morning, then had to go to work early.  After I got home from work I got down to working on this post.  Progress was interrupted momentarily for a pizza run because I did not feel like cooking tonight.  Now that I am full and have a moment to myself, I can finally put something together to entertain you guys after you have waited so patiently for me to arrive. 

I had picked out a particularly interesting discussion article on LGBTQNation to bring to your attention. The article asks the question: 'Will the U. S. Supreme Court finally settle the issue of marriage equality?'.  The article highlights the many appellate court victories that are being appealed by the various state defendants who have asked for a SCOTUS review.  Curious thing (not really) about it is that in every case where the defendant has sought a SCOTUS review, the plaintiffs have concurred with the defendants, wanting that review.  Of course the plaintiffs want a victory for Marriage Equality nationwide.  Meanwhile the neanderthals on the other side want to hurl us back to the stone age patriarchal society where we dare not raise our head much less ask for equality of any kind and the women are kept barefoot and pregnant.  So Sorry, Charlie, we will drag your cumbersome asses into this century kicking and screaming if we have to.  But perhaps SCOTUS will do it for us. 

A late update to the story has the 'U. S. Supreme Court adds same sex marriage cases to Sept. 29 agenda.'.  The agenda referred to is the agenda for the SCOTUS planning meeting scheduled for Sept. 29 to decide which cases should be placed on the fall docket.  The Justices could defer the Marriage Equality cases to the January session or place them on the fall docket.  Those in the know suggest this is a sign that SCOTUS in wanting to take up the issue and it is just a question whether it is sooner or later.  If SCOTUS and the forces for Marriage Equality continue on their present headings, they will meet head on some time in the next few months and hash this all out.  However, a ruling would not probably come until at least mid June 2015 like they did last year with the Windsor and Prop 8 decisions.  I am looking forward to an interesting few months as this all plays out in the public forums.  It is of course my hope for a total victory for Marriage Equality giving us the freedom to marry nationwide.  It is also my hope we will finally be equal citizens under the law as it should have been all along.  I will keep you posted as the story develops.

For your Midweek Musical Moment, we look to Czech Composer Franz Krommer whose 71-year life span began half a year after the death of George Frideric Handel and ended nearly four years after that of Ludwig van Beethoven.  He was quite prolific with over 300 compositions during his lifetime.  Today's featured work is his suite of music, Bohemian Winds, which highlights both the brass and woodwind sections of the orchestra.  Krommer's excellent music is expertly interpreted by the ensemble Nachtmusique under the direction of Eric Hoeprich who also plays the clarinet.  Other members of Nachtmusique include  Toni Salar Verdu, clarinet; Jane Gower, bassoon; Javier Zafra, bassoon' Teunis Van Der Zwart, horn; Erwin Wieringa, horn; Carles Riera, clarinet; Emilio Moreno, viola and David Sinclair, contrabass.  You may also hear Krommer's Concerto for two clarinets in E-flat major, Op.91 over on my tumblr with an excellent performance by the Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia also under the direction of a clarinetist, Kálmán Berkes.  The second clarinet part is performed by Tomoko Takashima. 

Finally for today, we come to the Man Art for which you have so patiently waited.  Today's splashy and sensual selections are sure to inspire your desire to one degree or another in this edition of Wet Wednesday.  For those of your hungry for more there is the Asian AYCE Buffet as the Hottie of the Day! over on my tumblr.  Thanks for hanging around until I got here.  See you again soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy! 

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