Monday, April 01, 2013

Hectic Weekend

With the return of the warmer Spring weather, it was a very hectic weekend at the store because more people were out and about.  Then since the month changed at midnight, all the government subsistence people got their money and were very eager to spend it.  As a result, our sales last night were triple our daily average.  I arrived home this morning completely worn out and after grabbing a bite to eat, I lay down to take a short nap before I began to work on this post.  The next thing I knew, 3 hours had passed and nary a word had been written.  So I guess you would say I am a little behind, however I feel so much better for having taken the nap that I did.  All's well that ends well, and I have the night off, so a little delay in my posting schedule will not unduly affect anything except the time stamp on this post.  That being said, I still have no general topic that I wish to expound upon and I really don't want to deprive you of your daily dose of Music and Men any longer than necessary.  Therefore I will just move on from my hectic weekend at the store to the more pleasant (and pleasing) aforementioned topics of the Music and the Men.  

For your Monday Musical Moment, I have the Music of Mozart recorded live at the Great Hall of the Musikverien in Vienna.  Today's performance features the Symphony 41 in C Major, 'Jupiter', K551 with Nicolaus Harnoncourt conducting the Chamber Orchestra of Europe.  The 'Jupiter' symphony was the last (and longest) that was composed by Mozart completing a triumvirate of great symphonies (39, 40 and 41) produced during the prodigiously productive summer  of 1788.  A scant 3 years later, in 1791, Mozart was gone.  However because of his genius, he has never been forgotten and I daresay he will never be.  

Then as this is Monday, I know you guys need your underwear fetish fed and this week's collection of muscly men scantily clad in their finest Monday's Undies will surely please even the most discriminating aficionado  of the underwear bulge.  Thanks for hanging in and hanging out here at Nichevo, see you again on the morrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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