Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Marriage Equality Update/Events

Most of you are aware by now that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will be hearing Oral Arguments on March 26th and 27th.  There will be rallies in Washington, DC and across the nation that week in support of Marriage Equality.  You can find information for all the rallies by going to the United for Marriage website including locations, transportation, lodging and rally times.  If you live in the Fort Worth area there will be rallies on March 25, 26 and 27 at the Rainbow Lounge on Jennings Avenue.  The facebook page for the Fort Worth rallies has more information about the rallies.  United for Marriage also has a facebook page.  

I have posted the latest marriage News Watch video from AFER's Matt Baume right above the Musical Moment for today.  Matt will give you the rundown on all the Amicus Briefs in support of Equality and other news regarding Marriage Equality.  

Your Monday Musical Moment is a series of Guitar and Mandolin Concerti written by Antonio Vivaldi and exquisitely performed by Los Romeros.  The video shows you old advertisements & posters;  The video was made by MaartenKroon@HollandskGjestehus.com in Vinstra (Norway). 

Following the videos is this week's scrumptious and sexy Tuesday Temptations to entice you down the garden path...  Thanks for spending part of your Tuesday here at Nichevo, see you tomorrow to help you over this week's hump.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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