Friday, March 08, 2013

Marriage Equality, DOMA and Marines in Love!

 Thank God it is Finally Friday, it has been a helluva week and I am ready for some down time.  I do have a couple of things to share before we get to the Music and the Men starting with the surprising results of a new poll in Texas that finds a small plurality of Texas voters supporting Marriage Equality, 47.9 per cent to 47.5 per cent.  Not something I thought I would see in my lifetime, lol.  Along the same vein, former President Bill Clinton who signed DOMA into law is now calling on the Supreme Court to overturn it.  In his Washington Post Editorial he writes (in part): "When I signed the bill, I included a statement with the admonition that “enactment of this legislation should not, despite the fierce and at times divisive rhetoric surrounding it, be understood to provide an excuse for discrimination.” Reading those words today, I know now that, even worse than providing an excuse for discrimination, the law is itself discriminatory. It should be overturned."  I could not agree more!  Let's hope the Justices of SCOTUS are reading the WaPo today.  

Then a video surfaced yesterday about 2 adorable Marine twinks who tell the story of how they met and fell in love, the video is as adorable as the two Marines, Russ and Matt.  You can see this video and Russ' 42 other videos at his You Tube Page.  Do check them out, you will be glad you did. 

For your Friday Musical Moment play list I have some more music from Antonio Vivaldi for you, this time featuring some of his Violin Concerti.  The play list (in Italian) includes Concerto RV208 Grosso Mogul in re maggiore per violino, archi e basso continuo, Concerto RV332 in sol minore per violino, archi e basso continuo, Concerto RV234 L'Inquietudine in re maggiore per violino, archi e basso continuo, Concerto RV199 Il Sospetto in do minore per violino, archi e basso continuo, Concerto RV362 La Caccia in si bemolle maggiore per violino, archi e basso continuo and Concerto RV270 Il Risposo in mi maggiore per violino, archi e basso continuo.  The recording is from the CD by Fondazione Academia Montis Regalis Onlus recorded in June 2005 at the Oratory of Santa Croce in Mondovi (CN) - Italy.  The CD features Enrico Onofri on Solo Violin and the Orchestra de Academia is conducted by Allessandro De Marchi from his seat at the Harpsichord.

Finally, as is traditional here at Nichevo on Fridays, we have a sizzling selection of sultry sexiness in this week's edition of Naked or Nearly So.  The men on display run the gamut from callow youth to somewhat older, babes to bikers, kids to cowboys, some punk and some leather and stunningly smooth to completely hirsute with a couple of vintage photographs thrown in for good measure.  All designed of course to get you in that weekend state of mind and fuel your Friday night fantasies.  Thanks for spending some of your Friday here at Nichevo.  Besure to check in over the weekend for this week's photographic review of the Best of the Web This Week.  It should be another stellar week as I already have over 900 photographs to sort through with one more day to collect some more and there will be another marvelous Saturday Soundtrack as well.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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