Tuesday, March 19, 2013

7 Days and Counting...

One week from today on Tuesday, March26, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments in the Prop 8 case before it with oral arguments in the DOMA case to follow on Wednesday March 27.  Momentum is building in our favor as more and more voices are uplifted in the support of Marriage Equality.  Some voices are young as in the case of 12 year old Daniel Martinez-Leffew who decided to write a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts.  Daniel wrote to Justice Roberts because he noticed the similarity between their two families. Daniel and his sister Serena were adopted by their two Dads and welcomed into a family, just as Justice Roberts adopted two children and welcomed them into his family.  Daniel who has Goldenhar Syndrome which affects the left side of his body much like a stroke.  This was considered to make him un-adoptable until his two Dads came along to disprove that assumption.  Daniel reads his letter to Justice Roberts in the following video.

Some voices are the voices of experience like in the following video by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she voices her support for Marriage Equality.

Some are the voices of religious leaders like the immensely popular preacher and author, Rob Bell who spoke at the Grace Episcopal Cathedral of the diocese of California last Sunday.  'In response to a question regarding same-sex marriage, Bell said, "I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it's a man and woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think the church needs -- I think this is the world we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are."'

All of this comes as the American Foundation for Equal Rights prepares to makes its case before the Supreme Court in the matter of California's Prop 8 as shown in the following video. 

There will be rallies in Washington and across the nation as LGBT folks, their friends, family and straight allies all stand up in support of the Freedom to Marry.  Our opponents are floundering as their ability to support their opposition with truth and science has been severely compromised by the fact that indeed instead of truth and science they blather forth with lies, innuendo, distortions and pseudo science put forth by quack researchers paid to come up with a version of results that suit their purpose whether it really does or not.  There is a rising tide of Americans who support Marriage Equality, 53 per cent according to the latest poll figures for the general public and an amazing 81 per cent of those under the age of 30.  Let's hope SCOTUS surfs the face of that wave rather than getting caught in the undertow as that wave crashes onto the shore of freedom.  Our opponents are being swept away by that tide and out to sea where they are sure to drown, tethered as they are to the anchor of their own bigotry.  

While the resulting decision by the court most likely won't be known until June, the preponderance of evidence and public opinion in favor of Marriage Equality bode well for our side.  Our day is coming, and it will be here quicker than we had ever hoped for, hopefully hastened by a positive ruling by the Supreme Court in our favor.  


Your Musical Moment for today features the Music of Antonio Vivaldi with 5 of his Concerti for Bassoon, Strings and Basso Continuo masterfully recorded by I Musici Italiani (Veneziani) under the direction of Milan Turcovic.  The Concerti include are the E Minor, RV484; the B Flat Major "La Notte", RV501; the C Minor, RV480; the A Minor, RV498 and the C Major, RV478.

It has been a while since I have devoted a post solely to athletic men in their swim suits, so I thought I would correct that today.  I have run across a rather charming collection of Sexy Studs in Swimwear that are seen cavorting about the page below.  They are a tempting lot, just perfect for a cruise and peruse down the page on a Tuesday.  Thanks for spending part of your day here at Nichevo.  See you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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