Thursday, October 11, 2012

National Coming Out Day

Today is the 24th annual observance of National Coming Out Day, a day to celebrate our public identity as LGBTQ and an opportunity for those who are not yet out to share their 'secret' with a friend or family member.  You will find many activities for participation around the country and around the world.  You can find NCOD on facebook, read a little about the history of NCOD or about the 30 athletes that have come out publicly since the last NCOD.  You can also 'hang out' with Outsports, It Gets Better and Google Hangouts for an Q & A with Dan Savage, Ben Cohen, Joanna Lohman, Kye Allums and Craig Cassey at 5 PM ET.  The 'Hangout" will be live streamed on the It Gets Better You Tube Page also. 

In addition, Ryan Andreson, who was denied his Eagle Scout award because he was openly Gay, will be joining Ellen this afternoon to talk about his dismissal.  You can also visit rucomingout and read about other people's coming out experiences or upload one of your own.  There are also these 50 Brave Blog Posts About Coming Out.  How will you be celebrating the day?

To add music to the celebration I have the complete French Suites, BWV 812-817 by Johann Sebastian Bach marvelously performed by Hungarian Pianist Andras Schiff.  The French Suites are six suites which Johann Sebastian Bach wrote for the clavier (harpsichord or clavichord) between the years of 1722 and 1725.  Today's performance by Andras Schiff is on the Piano with the play list as follows:  Suite No. 1 in D minor, BWV 812, From 0'0'' to 12'44'' Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Menuet I/II, Gigue; Suite No. 2 in C minor, BWV 813, From 12'45'' to 25'34'' Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Air, Menuet, Menuet, Gigue; Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV814, From25'3 to39'12'   Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, Menuet, Trio, Gigue; Suite No. 4 in E-flat major, BWV 815, From 39'13 to 50'49'' Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte I, Gavotte II, Menuet, Air, Gigue; Suite No. 5 in G major, BWV 816, From 50'50'' to 1h07'02'' Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, Bourrée, Loure, Gigue and  Suite No. 6 in E major, BWV 817, From 1h07'03'' to the end Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, Polonaise, Bourrée, Menuet, Gigue.   

Then, as is the norm here on Thursdays, I have a little collection of lithesome lads in this salute to denim dynamite with this week's edition of Men In Jeans for you to examine and appreciate as you leisurely scroll down the page.  Thanks for stopping by, have a fabulous day of celebrating our diverse identities as members of the greater LGBT community.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

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