Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The New Electronic Check in System

Last night was the first grocery delivery truck we got using the New Electronic Check In System.  I had myself, my co-worker, the boss man, his brother, two field consultants and two truckers in house.  Can you say Cluster fuck?  I am sure once we have all the kinks worked out and we have done this a couple dozen times we will have an easier time of it, but last night was not a easy thing to deal with.  Of course, when the people in the hood see the 18 wheeler pull up to the store, their thought process is attack and see what we can steal in the confusion.  So chaos reigned for about 4 hours until we got rid of all the extra people around 2:30.  Then all we had to do was clean the store and catchup to where we should be. By the time I got home, I was fit to be tied and had tension knots in my neck and shoulder that when I got them to pop out sounded more like a gunshot than bones popping.  Then Will comes out and says something off the cuff which did not set well with me at the time and was no help whatsoever.  I think I need  two Valium, a doobie, a king size margarita and about 8 hours sleep before I will truly be human again.  Lacking most of the items on that list, I will have to settle for beautiful music, Humpable Hunks, and a long nap. 

Fortunately I found a video yesterday that fits the mood to a T.  The artist is listed as the Therapy Band and the video is a series of easily recognizable classical favorites starting with Claire De Lune by Debussy, along with Pachabel's Canon, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Vivaldi's Spring, Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Beethoven's Fur Elise and others building to a climax with Ravel's Bolero all set to stunning nature videos from around the world.  This video is as visually arresting as it is aurally pleasing and should provide a good bit of mellow mood for your gentle scroll down the page to take in and decide which is your favorite Humpable Hunk among the choices displayed.  I shall now go regroup, get some rest and start anew in the morning less stressed than I am now.  Thanks for listening to me rant, have a fabulous day and we will see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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