Friday, June 29, 2012


We made it to Friday, the end of your work week and the beginning of mine.  I have had a couple of great days off for which I will pay tonight with Friday night madness and truck night.  Before we get to the good stuff you came here for, there was good news yesterday when the Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Affordable Care Act as was expected.  Much to the chagrin of Congressional Republicans, Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the more moderate members of the court in upholding the provisions of  'Obamacare'.  Right Wing Nuts everywhere went into apoplectic overload in universal condemnation of this 'traitorous' act by the Chief Justice with all sorts of over the top commentary that you will have to read for yourself before shaking your head in wonderment.  Read 'The 10 Most Hilariously Unhinged Right Wing Reactions to the Obamacare Ruling' over at Alternet and laugh your ass off.  How do these guys come up with this shit, and why does anyone listen to them?  Your guess is as good as mine. 

Moving on to the music and the men, I have some more great music in the play list for today with a Trio of Quartets: String Quartets Opus 18, Numbers 1, 4, and 6 by Ludwig von Beethoven.  Numbers 1 and 4 are performed by Quartuor Mosaiques on period instruments.  Number 6 is performed by the Alban Berg Quartet.  The play list is followed by a big handful of hot hunks lounging about the page in this week's edition of Naked or Nearly So, just to get you in the weekend state of mind.  Thanks for the visit, have a fabulous weekend and we will see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy

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