Friday, July 11, 2008

Unusual Positions

Anse Source D'Argent,
La Digue Island, Seychelles

I find myself in the most unusual of positions this morning. We have arrived at the weekend and glory be Uncle Gerry does not have to work! Having so arrived at an expanse of time without obligation stretching until Sunday night at midnight, your Uncle ponders his options. I have what amounts to two and two thirds days off, finding myself also in the enviable position of having a new generated rocket propelled PC to play with, the mind boggles at the possibilities. The tasks I so often perform in the publication of this blog take about 1/3 of the time or less to accomplish due to the combination of processor speed and memory size/speed. This frees up time for Uncle to wander around the web looking for even cooler things to bring to you fine folks here at Nichevo. One of the recent innovations in my little corner of the world is the Skype application for VOIP where I have found some rather interesting folks thanks to my friend Will in Omaha who inspired my involvement/acquisition of Skype which led directly to the desire to successfully accomplish the Grand Experiment. The Grand Experiment was of course a tremendous success and I find myself continually amazed at the ease and speed with which I can now accomplish my chosen tasks. (I must be sick, I am gushing over a Microsoft platform!?! I hope Darth Gates cannot hear me! lol) I think I will have fun this weekend exploring the horses under my hood whereupon I will recount my adventures in these pages to fill in the space before the videos and eye candy you so look forward to. Speaking of videos, I have several episodes of Holly Oaks for you in the custom player right before the eye candy section filled with Frisky Fellas for your Friday night. I hope y'all have a great weekend, I know I will! Until next time as always, Enjoy!

This Week On Holly Oaks

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