Thursday, May 01, 2008

May's Music, Men And More!

Sunset Over Squaw Mountain, Maine

I went to change the music after I had changed the header photo to the new man of the month when I discovered my music source had closed up shop. It seems as if Sonific had trouble meeting the licensing demands of the major labels to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The website said they may regenerate as another service but for now the music player you all have enjoyed for so long is no longer. Fear not for we shall not be musically challenged here at Nichevo. I also have an account at Fine Tune so I have embedded their player with a mix of classical pieces, 59 in number, for your enjoyment. The only drawback is if you want to hear the music, you have to hit play as I have not figured out how to make it auto play. If you don't like the piece of music that is playing then click next and listen to another piece maybe more to your liking. The controls auto hide so just mouse over the player and all will be revealed. Let me know if you like the new format or if you think I should search further for a musical source. Let me know also what you think of the May Man of the Month. He is on my wish list as my birthday is at the end of this month, does anyone know how to get in touch with him? (BIG LOL) Of course anyone with comparable attributes could apply to take his place (he he). But let us not go there right now.

Don't forget to cast your vote for Nuke on the P&G number 1-800-331-3774 you have to listen to the messages because they are different than yesterday and you want your vote to go in support of the Nuke storyline. Fight the AFA on the front line on this one folks, bigotry should not rule the airwaves. Together we can strike another blow for equality and freedom from the discrimination and oppression by religious zealots who hate themselves so much it just overflows to everyone else. As far as videos go, there was no Nuke yesterday but I do have this weeks Holly Oaks in a custom player followed by two short videos by Davey Wavey being himself, shirtless of course. That will bring you to today's eye candy. The month is full of promise with lots of activities, tournaments and concerts culminating in the 3 day party that is RiverFest on Memorial Day and my birthday weekend. Stay tuned for the further adventures of your intrepid Uncle on the journey that is Nichevo. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

Holly Oaks Monday Tuesday Thursday

Davey Wavey Can You Sniff It Out

Davey Wavey The Tree Told Me A Secret

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